Buzz Music: Brett Pruneau Drops a New EP, 'The Real Thing'

Welcome, Brett Pruneau! So great to catch up. Congrats on the new EP. Tell us all about it

Hi there! Thanks so much, it’s great to be able to chat with you about the new EP! ‘The Real Thing’ is my latest project and consists of 5 powerful and moving tracks that really center around a strong theme of 'human connection'. I think the desire for human interaction is something that has really been heightened during the current pandemic … We've all had unexpected experiences throughout this unexpected season- whether its the strengthening of a loving relationship or the unfortunate pining over one that’s been lost, the human condition just craves the things that are “real”.

How have you stayed inspired in 2020 during such a difficult year for most?

This EP has been my saving grace, to be honest…. the entertainment industry has been devastated by the COVID-19 Crisis, and unfortunately, here we are 9 months later with still no timeline for when we can hope to be singing for live audiences again. As soon as I realized this was going to be our reality for 2020 I immediately began working on ‘The Real Thing’. I couldn’t bare the thought of going such a long and indefinite amount of time without creating and sharing music. I feel so fortunate that I’ve had this outlet for myself, and even more fortunate that I now get to share it with those who will listen.


Music Trails: Brett Pruneau Releases EP “The Real Thing”


Hollywood Digest: Exclusive Interview with Brett Pruneau